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Qualytics cli

Qualytics CLI is a command-line tool designed to interact with the Qualytics API. With this tool, users can manage configurations, export and import checks, run operations and more.

You can check more the latest version in Qualytics CLI

Installation and Upgrading

You can install Qualytics CLI via pip:

    pip install qualytics-cli

You can upgrade the Qualytics CLI via pip:

    pip install qualytics-cli --upgrade



To view available commands and their usage:

    qualytics --help

Initializing Configuration

To set up your Qualytics URL and token:

    qualytics init 
              --url "" 
              --token "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"


Option Type Description Default Required
--url TEXT The URL of your Qualytics instance None Yes
--token TEXT The personal access token for accessing Qualytics None Yes

Display Configuration

To view the currently saved configuration:

    qualytics show-config

Export Checks

To export checks to a file:

    qualytics checks export 
                     --datastore DATASTORE_ID [--containers CONTAINER_IDS] 
                     [--tags TAG_NAMES] 
                     [--output LOCATION_TO_BE_EXPORTED]


Option Type Description Default Required
--datastore INTEGER Datastore ID None Yes
--containers List of INTEGER Containers IDs None No
--tags List of TEXT Tag names None No
--output TEXT Output file path $HOME/.qualytics/data_checks.json No

Export Check Templates

To export check templates:

    qualytics checks export-templates 
                     --enrichment_datastore_id ENRICHMENT_DATASTORE_ID 
                     [--check_templates CHECK_TEMPLATE_IDS]


Option Type Description Default Required
--enrichment_datastore_id INTEGER The ID of the enrichment datastore where check templates will be exported. Yes
--check_templates TEXT IDs of specific check templates to export (comma-separated or array-like). No

Import Checks

To import checks from a file:

    qualytics checks import 
                     --datastore DATASTORE_ID_LIST 
                     [--input LOCATION_FROM_THE_EXPORT]


Option Type Description Default Required
--datastore TEXT Datastore IDs to import checks into (comma-separated or array-like). None Yes
--input TEXT Input file path HOME/.qualytics/data_checks.json No

Note: Errors during import will be logged in $HOME/.qualytics/errors.log.

Run a Catalog Operation on a Datastore

Allows you to trigger a catalog operation on any current datastore (datastore permission required by admin)

    qualytics run catalog 
                  --datastore "DATSTORE_ID_LIST" 
                  --include "INCLUDE_LIST" 


Option Type Description Required
--datastore TEXT Comma-separated list of Datastore IDs or array-like format. Example: 1,2,3,4,5 or "[1,2,3,4,5]" Yes
--include TEXT Comma-separated list of include types or array-like format. Example: "table,view" or "[table,view]" No
--prune BOOL Prune the operation. Do not include if you want prune == false No
--recreate BOOL Recreate the operation. Do not include if you want recreate == false No
--background BOOL Starts the catalog but does not wait for the operation to finish No

Run a Profile Operation on a Datastore

Allows you to trigger a profile operation on any current datastore (datastore permission required by admin)

    qualytics run profile 
                  --datastore "DATSTORE_ID_LIST" 
                  --container_names "CONTAINER_NAMES_LIST" 
                  --container_tags "CONTAINER_TAGS_LIST"
                  --max_records_analyzed_per_partition "MAX_RECORDS_ANALYZED_PER_PARTITION" 
                  --max_count_testing_sample "MAX_COUNT_TESTING_SAMPLE"
                  --percent_testing_threshold "PERCENT_TESTING_THRESHOLD" 
                  --high_correlation_threshold "HIGH_CORRELATION_THRESHOLD" 
                  --greater_then_date "GREATER_THAN_TIME"
                  --greater_than_batch "GREATER_THAN_BATCH" 
                  --histogram_max_distinct_values "HISTOGRAM_MAX_DISTINCT_VALUES" 


Option Type Description Required
--datastore TEXT Comma-separated list of Datastore IDs or array-like format. Example: 1,2,3,4,5 or "[1,2,3,4,5]" Yes
--container_names TEXT Comma-separated list of include types or array-like format. Example: "container1,container2" or "[container1,container2]" No
--container_tags TEXT Comma-separated list of include types or array-like format. Example: "tag1,tag2" or "[tag1,tag2]" No
--infer_constraints BOOL Infer quality checks in profile. Do not include if you want infer_constraints == false No
--max_records_analyzed_per_partition INT Number of max records analyzed per partition No
--max_count_testing_sample INT The number of records accumulated during profiling for validation of inferred checks. Capped at 100,000 No
--percent_testing_threshold FLOAT Percent of testing threshold No
--high_correlation_threshold FLOAT Number of Correlation Threshold No
--greater_than_time DATETIME Only include rows where the incremental field's value is greater than this time. Use one of these formats %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S or %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S No
--greater_than_batch FLOAT Only include rows where the incremental field's value is greater than this number No
--histogram_max_distinct_values INT Number of max distinct values of the histogram No
--background BOOL Starts the catalog but does not wait for the operation to finish No

Run a Scan Operation on a Datastore

Allows you to trigger a scan operation on a datastore (datastore permission required by admin)

qualytics run scan 
              --datastore "DATSTORE_ID_LIST"
              --container_names "CONTAINER_NAMES_LIST" 
              --container_tags "CONTAINER_TAGS_LIST"
              --max_records_analyzed_per_partition "MAX_RECORDS_ANALYZED_PER_PARTITION" 
              --greater_then_date "GREATER_THAN_TIME" 
              --greater_than_batch "GREATER_THAN_BATCH" 


Option Type Description Required
--datastore TEXT Comma-separated list of Datastore IDs or array-like format. Example: 1,2,3,4,5 or "[1,2,3,4,5]" Yes
--container_names TEXT Comma-separated list of include types or array-like format. Example: "container1,container2" or "[container1,container2]" No
--container_tags TEXT Comma-separated list of include types or array-like format. Example: "tag1,tag2" or "[tag1,tag2]" No
--incremental BOOL Process only new or records updated since the last incremental scan No
--remediation TEXT Replication strategy for source tables in the enrichment datastore. Either 'append', 'overwrite', or 'none' No
--max_records_analyzed_per_partition INT Number of max records analyzed per partition. Value must be Greater than or equal to 0 No
--enrichment_source_record_limit INT Limit of enrichment source records per . Value must be Greater than or equal to -1 No
--greater_than_date DATETIME Only include rows where the incremental field's value is greater than this time. Use one of these formats %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S or %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S No
--greater_than_batch FLOAT Only include rows where the incremental field's value is greater than this number No
--background BOOL Starts the catalog but does not wait for the operation to finish No

Note: Errors during any of the three operations will be logged in $HOME/.qualytics/operation-error.log.

Check Operation Status

To check the status of operations:

    qualytics operation check_status 
                           --ids "OPERATION_IDS"


Option Type Description Required
--ids TEXT Comma-separated list of Operation IDs or array-like format. Example: 1,2,3,4,5 or "[1,2,3,4,5]" Yes

Last update: April 27, 2024