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Quality scores

Quality Scores are measures of data quality calculated at the field, container, and datastore level and recorded as time-series enabling you to track movement over time. A quality score ranges from 0-100 with higher scores indicating higher quality. We'll look at how quality scores are measured for each of those data assets in turn:

Quality Scoring a Field

Contributions to field scores decay over time so that only relatively recent inputs directly influence a field's score. The following inputs contribute to a field's quality score:

  • its ratio of valid record anomalies to records
  • whether it is checked for expected completeness
  • the number other checks defined for it
  • its consistency

Quality Scoring a Container

Contributions to container scores decay over time so that only relatively recent inputs directly influence a container's score. The following inputs contribute to a container's quality score:

  • the mean of all its fields' scores
  • its ratio of valid shape anomalies to records
  • whether it is checked for expected volumetrics
  • the frequency with which it is scanned
  • whether it has a Freshness SLA defined
  • the duration of any Freshness SLA violations

Quality Scoring a Datastore

Contributions to datastore scores decay over time so that only relatively recent inputs directly influence a datastore's score. A datastore's quality score is the simple mean of its containers' scores.

Last update: April 25, 2024